ANAMUH is a not-for-profit social initiative aimed at establishing and sustaining spaces for communitarian dialogue through the use of Participatory Theatre and Arts.
We believe that Participatory Theatre and Arts methods can offer an enormous potential for positive personal, communitarian and social transformation.
ANAMUH organizes grassroots processes, with particular focus on youth, in local and international processes, for inter-communitarian dialogue, to process personal and intra-communitarian dynamics, to challenge stereotypes/discrimination, to bridge cultures in participatory processes, creating the conditions for new voices and new communities to emerge.
We periodically organize and facilitate international training courses, workshops and open activities, networking with various partner organizations and institutions, with the aim to explore the possibilities of existing and new practices for community work through Arts. Creativity and participatory methods, including Applied Theatre methods, Theatre of the Oppressed, Playback Theatre, Commedia dell’Arte, Dramatherapy, Participatory Photography PhotoVoice.
We collaborate with various national and international partners: national and international NGOs, grassroots organizations, community developers active in marginalized communities, institutions, theatre groups, art groups, applied arts networks, educational institutions, schools, universities, on organizational and methodological aspects, for education and training, in formal and non-formal education settings.